My journey to create my book - Mes tribulations pour la création de mon livre
La suite de l'histoire.
Aucun éditeur n'a été intéressé (marché trop étroit). La motivation s'étiole et je laisse le projet en l'état, au cas où une opportunité se présenterait.
Scoop ! En mai 2014, pour un Salon où j'étais invitée d'honneur, j'ai décidé de faire imprimer mon livre pour la période 2001-2005. Il fait 100 pages, déborde de photos et est disponible auprès de l'auteure.
2016 : je ne mets plus à jour le site, mais le laisse à disposition de tous les passionnées et toutes les passionnées tant il y a d'informations ici.
En Juin 2018, j'ai vendu mess exemplaires aux Etats-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et en Allemagne.
Why don't I write a book about Bratz dolls? What a strange idea, but why not?
I started with an inappropriate word processing software and I took many pictures to ensure I achieved what most books do not, i.e. show enough details to clearly identify any doll (with clothes and other stuff).
I got in touch with the French license owner and a person called me back to give me a contact name at European level. Wonderful! Everything seemed to be going into the right direction and I fell very motivated. I switched to another software product (and I had to learn it from scratch). I worked on all my pictures, colors, light and contrast, but I couldn't do more than these basic functions on this software product I was just starting to use!
End of 2006
The book moved forwards! If the organization of the first chapters is easy, it started to be more complex each time a new doll popped up or whenever there was only one doll in a collection. I had less time to work on my dummy and I still missed some dolls to finish some collections. Finally, I faced some discouragement, nothing moved and the European company did not answer any of my e-mails. I just dropped the idea of finding a publishing house for Christmas 2006 but I tried to find out the price it would cost me if I edited the book by myself!
Beginning of 2007
Yippee, I finally got the missing dolls that were waiting in the US at some friends' places.
Most minor defaults in my images now appeared so big that I decided to rework all of them. I could remove some reflections and changed the background. Fortunately I had some experts around me (my 13-year old daughter and my husband) who helped me improve the pictures. It was quite easy to enhance doll's eyes but not at all the flash reflections on the boxes. Suddenly my husband came and told me he would create a web site for my book and I had five minutes to think about it!
In parallel the French license owner informed me that it was no longer the owner and I got in touch with the MGA Entertainment subsidiary in France to keep them posted about my project. In addition I called a legal expert who, although it was not his real business, took the time to fully inform me about my rights and the risks I needed to pay attention to.
In spring time I contacted several publishing houses, enriched my web site, enhanced my book and found other ways to advertise my project!
At present nearly all publishing houses rejected my proposal with more or less the same reason "too small a market". :-(
Following years, to keep you posted
As of January 2009, nothing has been successful. :-(
As of January 2010, the motivation is vanishing. Too bad!
As of January 2011, no hope, but I leave it here for any opportunity. That's life!
As of May 2014, I did it on my own. Get in touch with me if you're interested by my book (plenty of images and a few French words) :-)
March 2016: I do not update my site any longer but leave it as is for all of you who are looking for information.
June 2018: I sold a few books to the US, UK and Germany.
Thank you
While awaiting the next step in my journey, I thank Mike and Evelyne, Bill, Jörg and Alex who patiently stored dolls for me in the US, Germany and the UK. I also thank all my friends/collectors who encourage me and who speak about my book in their neighborhood. I'd like to thank my husband who always stays with me in my journey, who collects dolls all over the world and who found himself in JF Kennedy airport unpacking three suit cases to make them fit into two. What a honey! And finally I thank my three children for their patience and because I love them.
tribulation tribulations journey histoire history passion Bratz Barbie Barbies livre book poupée poupee poupées poupees doll dolls collection collectibles Sasha Tiana Cloe Jade Yasmin Kumi beach party printemps faunt New season Xpress funk glow strut sweet heart Meygan Dana spring fling Hippie chic style slumber party winter wintertime wonderland party night formal funk independance celebration summer nite out funk out holiday flashback fever wild life safari tokyo Nighty nite secret date Twiins twins triiiplets Phoebe Roxxi Siernna Valentina Oriana Live concert play sportz Treasures Welcome fabulous pretty punk Candy campfire camp adventure wild wild west Ooh Dynamite Hollywood Nona Tess Midnight dance step out Birthday bash Rock angelz wanted vêtement vêtements cloth clothes collectionneur collectionneurs collectionneuse collectionneuses collector collectors image images picture pictures introduction sommaire summary cover couverture repertoire repository année années year years 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 MyScene publishing house edition editeur promotion sponsoring MGA entertainment California CA girl girls boy boys bouquin site reference references version accessoires accessories hairstyle eyes yeux coiffure poster exposition exhibition Une headlines archives Nouveautés introduction contact tribulation journey sommaire page table contents